Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Office Humor
Overheard in my office:
"It's not porn, it's research..."
"Yes, today is my last day - you can go back to being the best looking homo in the office..."
"It's not porn, it's research..."
"Yes, today is my last day - you can go back to being the best looking homo in the office..."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I like your Louis Mr. Gorbachev...

You may ask, what in the world is Mr. Gorbachev doing in a Louis Vuitton ad, in which we usually see Scarlett Johannson, J-Lo or Uma Thurman? Keep in mind this ad hit all of the September books- in fashion land, the September book is the Fashion issue and typically the thickest and most ad heavy book of the year. Remember how obnoxious Sept. 07 American Vogue was? I think it was close to 800 pages (90% ads).
That said, what is a viewer to make of this Louis Vuitton ad? According to the NYT article on this very subject, the ad was created to convey and emphasize the company's heritage in luggage and travel accessories. Gorbachev was enlisted to portray the core values of Louis Vuitton by sitting uncomfortably in the back seat of a car with the Berlin Wall in the background. The LV bag is propped on the seat next to him and you kind of think it may contain dynamite by the look on his face!
The campaign also included ads with Andre Agassi and Stefi Graff and a beautiful image of Catherine Deneuve sprawled on a LV trunk. Clearly, the master minds at LV wanted to steer clear of their past ads (J-Lo) and heighten the sophistication a bit. Annie Liebowitz shot this campaign, which will take any company to the next level with her darkly lit portrait style shooting.
Funny, the Times also mentioned, that a decade ago, Mr. Gorbachev's appeared in a Pizza Hut commercial which was generally regarded as a low point in his career. I think it is hilarious that Mr. Gorbachev goes from Pizza Hut to modeling for Louis Vuitton. I kind of have a feeling that he won't be signing a beauty contract in the near future.
The Curse of the Celebrity Kid Name

Pretty Bad:
(see awful)
-Moon Unit, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan, Dweezil, and Diva, children of Frank Zappa
-Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily, Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom, and Pixie, daughters of the late Paula Yates (Tiger Lily's dad is the late Michael Hutchence; Bob Geldof is father to the other three)
-Zowie (son of David Bowie -- he later changed his name (redeemed himself) to Joe before settling on Duncan)
-Romeo and Brooklyn (sons of Victoria and David Beckham)
-Jermajesty (son of Jermaine Jackson) (LOFL!)
-Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle and Scout LaRue, daughters of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
-Prince Michael, Prince Michael II (AKA Blanket), and Paris Michael, children of Michael Jackson
-Speck Wildhorse and Hud, sons of John Mellencamp and Elaine Irwin
-Apple Martin, daughter of Gwyneth & Chris, sister of Moses
-Pilot Inspektor, son of Jason Lee
-Tu Morrow, daughter of Rob Morrow (seriously?!?!)
Oops, they missed it again!

The funny, or NOT so funny thing about this is that media completely missed it or did not miss it, but chose not to report on it. What they did report on though, was how Nicole Richie may or may not be endangering her unborn baby by sitting in a hot tub and how Britney is constantly eating fast food. 

Apparently, the soldiers were so touched by Denzel's gesture, that they are asking people to spread this story virally. Something else that is outstanding is Denzel's humbled approach to it all. It was nice not to see a statement or release from his publicist on this.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Three Must See Companies!
Here are three must see companies that you will be thrilled you took the time to check out. Lucky for me, these girls are great friends of mine and all have insane talent that translate through their work. These three companies are startups, on the way to being much, much more. You will see from the sophisticated, creative intelligence that each of these companies capture, the success of their futures. A high end T-shirt, a work of art photo of your child, friends, pets or family and a service to organize your “hive”, you will not be sorry becoming a consumer of these three up and coming names.

Nicole’s Pearl Tees- Nicole named her company after her Grandmother Pearl, how sweet is that? Nicole’s fashionista lifestyle comes through in these well made tanks. They are long waisted, which is a dream for tops these days! Btw, I have three.

Claudine’s Collection- Claudine shadowed Houston’s top photographer as one of her first jobs, her talent took her in the direction of her own business…and looks like she hasn’t stopped yet. Check out the image on the homepage- the 2 boys are her own little ones!
Kimberly (Queen Bee) - After receiving her Master’s in Design and heading out to LA with her rock star husband, Kimberly put her talent to work as a designer and artist. My favorite part is how she stayed so true to her own life in her company’s inspirations. Tupelo Honey was the song she and her dad danced to at her wedding. Queen Bee is one of her husband’s most popular songs and my favorite!

Nicole’s Pearl Tees- Nicole named her company after her Grandmother Pearl, how sweet is that? Nicole’s fashionista lifestyle comes through in these well made tanks. They are long waisted, which is a dream for tops these days! Btw, I have three.

Claudine’s Collection- Claudine shadowed Houston’s top photographer as one of her first jobs, her talent took her in the direction of her own business…and looks like she hasn’t stopped yet. Check out the image on the homepage- the 2 boys are her own little ones!
Kimberly (Queen Bee) - After receiving her Master’s in Design and heading out to LA with her rock star husband, Kimberly put her talent to work as a designer and artist. My favorite part is how she stayed so true to her own life in her company’s inspirations. Tupelo Honey was the song she and her dad danced to at her wedding. Queen Bee is one of her husband’s most popular songs and my favorite!

A Day in the Life of Girls

Below are REAL life days written by real girls, it is a realistic, humorous tour of their lives. 

A Day in the Life of a High School Girl:
Friday: Getting ready for the weekend
3pm: Come home & immediately check Facebook &see what’s going on that night
4pm: I usually send out a mass text letting everyone know what’s going on & where I’ll be.
5pm: 2 or 3 of my best girlfriends come over, we eat stuff, watch TV, mainly TiVo-ed shows like Gossip Girls, The Hills, Desperate Housewives
6pm: we decide what we’re going to wear out and start taking showers & do each others hair & make up
7pm: go hang out at the football game- kinda watch it
9pm:Then after, we see what the boys are doing & try to find a fun party.
1am: get home around and usually some of my friends sleepover & we stay up & text people or if we’re bored, we upload pics from the night on Facebook.
Saturday: Starting the day
12- 2pm: hang out, eat, call people & maybe go shopping to find something cute for that night
7pm: go to someone’s house to start getting ready
8pm: Saturday nights are usually more fun than Fridays, especially if we have a dance or its someone’s B-day, but we usually just drive around listening to music and looking for something cool to do
1am: go home
A Day in the Life of A College Girl:
Girl 1-Weekday
8am: Get up, check Facebook & the weather
8:30am: Go to school café & get a coffee & bagel with some girls from my morning class
9am: Go to boring class
12pm: We go get lunch somewhere on campus
1pm: Go back to my room for a while to nap, chill, check email, hang out, go online- usually just Facebook, my iTunes & Youtube.
3pm: Go to my afternoon class.
4pm: Go back to my room or my suite mate’s room & we either talk, nap or watch a movie. Sometimes I go hang out in this guys room. I don’t know- it’s weird. He’s cute though & super nice.
6pm: We go to dinner
8pm: make plans for that night, it is usually pretty mellow if it’s a week night.
11pm: Its fun to go to the 24 hr coffee house to do HW
2-3am: Usually go to bed around 2 or 3am
“I am so over boys…I’m on the verge of becoming a feminist.”
Girl 2-Weekend
2pm: Wake up, eat food because of the intense hangover. “Usually it’s Burger King- I know, gross! But I am too lazy to go anywhere else & it’s perfect for being hung.”
3pm: Take a shower,
4pm: Try to do some HW, try to clean my room, eat again,
5pm:sit in Starbucks for too long gossiping.
6pm: convince upperclassmen guys to buy us alcohol. It usually works if you flirt a lot!
7-9pm: We pregame while we get ready, maybe do some laundry too,
9-10pm: Then go to some parties,
1-4am: Hoping to end the night with my girls & a late night dance party…
“Totally agree about boys…they suck!”
Conclusion: Young girls want to be viewed as women, but still have that “baby tendency”, need to be babied. There actually is not much different between 13-19 year old girls in that regard, unlike, the differences in their everyday lives. Think American Beauty.
Friday: Getting ready for the weekend
3pm: Come home & immediately check Facebook &see what’s going on that night
4pm: I usually send out a mass text letting everyone know what’s going on & where I’ll be.
5pm: 2 or 3 of my best girlfriends come over, we eat stuff, watch TV, mainly TiVo-ed shows like Gossip Girls, The Hills, Desperate Housewives
6pm: we decide what we’re going to wear out and start taking showers & do each others hair & make up
7pm: go hang out at the football game- kinda watch it
9pm:Then after, we see what the boys are doing & try to find a fun party.
1am: get home around and usually some of my friends sleepover & we stay up & text people or if we’re bored, we upload pics from the night on Facebook.
Saturday: Starting the day
12- 2pm: hang out, eat, call people & maybe go shopping to find something cute for that night
7pm: go to someone’s house to start getting ready
8pm: Saturday nights are usually more fun than Fridays, especially if we have a dance or its someone’s B-day, but we usually just drive around listening to music and looking for something cool to do
1am: go home
A Day in the Life of A College Girl:
Girl 1-Weekday
8am: Get up, check Facebook & the weather
8:30am: Go to school café & get a coffee & bagel with some girls from my morning class

9am: Go to boring class
12pm: We go get lunch somewhere on campus
1pm: Go back to my room for a while to nap, chill, check email, hang out, go online- usually just Facebook, my iTunes & Youtube.
3pm: Go to my afternoon class.
4pm: Go back to my room or my suite mate’s room & we either talk, nap or watch a movie. Sometimes I go hang out in this guys room. I don’t know- it’s weird. He’s cute though & super nice.
6pm: We go to dinner
8pm: make plans for that night, it is usually pretty mellow if it’s a week night.
11pm: Its fun to go to the 24 hr coffee house to do HW
2-3am: Usually go to bed around 2 or 3am
“I am so over boys…I’m on the verge of becoming a feminist.”
Girl 2-Weekend
2pm: Wake up, eat food because of the intense hangover. “Usually it’s Burger King- I know, gross! But I am too lazy to go anywhere else & it’s perfect for being hung.”
3pm: Take a shower,
4pm: Try to do some HW, try to clean my room, eat again,
5pm:sit in Starbucks for too long gossiping.
6pm: convince upperclassmen guys to buy us alcohol. It usually works if you flirt a lot!
7-9pm: We pregame while we get ready, maybe do some laundry too,
9-10pm: Then go to some parties,
1-4am: Hoping to end the night with my girls & a late night dance party…
“Totally agree about boys…they suck!”
Conclusion: Young girls want to be viewed as women, but still have that “baby tendency”, need to be babied. There actually is not much different between 13-19 year old girls in that regard, unlike, the differences in their everyday lives. Think American Beauty.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Some E- Cards

Someecards.com is a popular site developed by a creative director I work with. He also happens to have been the creative mind behind the hilarious Norelco Shave Everywhere campaign. I highly suggest you check out the site- it's fun AND free AND a great way to procrastinate!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Let's Go to the Movies...

I heart these movies:
We Own the Night
Gone Baby Gone
American Gangster
My reviews would not do justice to these 3 movies- just go see them, then let me know what you think. I cannot even pick a favorite!
Unrelated movie topic:
Lars & The Real Girl- this was SUCH a great flick, Ryan Gosling once again nailed his role playing a sweet, strange mid western man boy who becomes delusional due to his extreme loneliness, I actually got a bit teary eyed at the end, my 2 friends laughed…I feel better now, that the reviewer from the Chicago Tribune also cried at the end of the complex, but oddly light “man and blow up doll” movie
Movies that have caught my eye and I have yet to see:
Gone Baby Gone
American Gangster
My reviews would not do justice to these 3 movies- just go see them, then let me know what you think. I cannot even pick a favorite!
Unrelated movie topic:
Lars & The Real Girl- this was SUCH a great flick, Ryan Gosling once again nailed his role playing a sweet, strange mid western man boy who becomes delusional due to his extreme loneliness, I actually got a bit teary eyed at the end, my 2 friends laughed…I feel better now, that the reviewer from the Chicago Tribune also cried at the end of the complex, but oddly light “man and blow up doll” movie
Movies that have caught my eye and I have yet to see:
No Country for Old Men- Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, this looks great! I love the mix of the cast, it looks like a Robert Rodriguez film, but done by the Cohen brothers, I can’t wait to see how this crime thriller goes down and how the brothers bring in their irreverent humor
Reservation Road- Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Connelly, not that into JC, but very much into JP & MR, has gotten mixed reviews- mostly stating that the lead roles were miscast, I am interested in seeing JP play a husband/father who goes through an emotional journey as he attempts to cope with the death of his son
Into the Wild- directed by Sean Penn, this is my main interest in seeing this, that and the fact it is based off the best selling novel which I did not read
Margot at the Wedding- Starring Jack Black, Jennifer Jason Leigh & Nicole Kidman, not a huge fan of NK, but love JB & JJL, we will see, my expectations are on the lower end at this time, but I am completely intrigued by the story line & setting
Before the Devil knows your Dead- starring Marisa Tomei, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, I could probably take or leave this one, the preview did nothing for me, but I have heard amazing things, from trusted sources, so this one is on the list
Lions for Lambs- Starring Robert Redford, Tom Cruise & Meryl Streep, uuuuuuuughhhhhh Tom Cruise- Really? It is relieving to know that no one cast him, he hired himself and came up with a lot of cash to afford MS & RR, despite my deep dislike for TC, I love the title & am curious to see how the story plays out
My predictions for award season (award shows include, but are not limited to The Globes, the Oscars, the Spirit Awards & Sundance recognition):
Could put money down (think I already have) on these guys:
Reservation Road- Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Connelly, not that into JC, but very much into JP & MR, has gotten mixed reviews- mostly stating that the lead roles were miscast, I am interested in seeing JP play a husband/father who goes through an emotional journey as he attempts to cope with the death of his son
Into the Wild- directed by Sean Penn, this is my main interest in seeing this, that and the fact it is based off the best selling novel which I did not read
Margot at the Wedding- Starring Jack Black, Jennifer Jason Leigh & Nicole Kidman, not a huge fan of NK, but love JB & JJL, we will see, my expectations are on the lower end at this time, but I am completely intrigued by the story line & setting
Before the Devil knows your Dead- starring Marisa Tomei, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, I could probably take or leave this one, the preview did nothing for me, but I have heard amazing things, from trusted sources, so this one is on the list
Lions for Lambs- Starring Robert Redford, Tom Cruise & Meryl Streep, uuuuuuuughhhhhh Tom Cruise- Really? It is relieving to know that no one cast him, he hired himself and came up with a lot of cash to afford MS & RR, despite my deep dislike for TC, I love the title & am curious to see how the story plays out
My predictions for award season (award shows include, but are not limited to The Globes, the Oscars, the Spirit Awards & Sundance recognition):
Could put money down (think I already have) on these guys:
Denzel Washington- American Gangster
Russell Crowe- American Gangster
Ryan Gosling- Lars & The Real Girl
Mark Walberg- We Own the Night
Joaquin Phoenix- Reservation Road AND/OR We Own the Night
Javier Bardem- Love in the Time of Cholera
George Clooney- Michael Clayton
Natalie Portman- The Other Boleyn Girl
Russell Crowe- American Gangster
Ryan Gosling- Lars & The Real Girl
Mark Walberg- We Own the Night
Joaquin Phoenix- Reservation Road AND/OR We Own the Night
Javier Bardem- Love in the Time of Cholera
George Clooney- Michael Clayton
Natalie Portman- The Other Boleyn Girl
Against my better judgment:
Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts (for Charlie Wilson’s War- unfortunate, but you know it’s true)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Most Important Movie Ever (in NYC!)

It is interesting how this top secret Sex & The City movie, is really not incognito at all. I was so excited to see this, but with all my sightings around the city in the last month, I have pieced it all together and now have no need or desire to see the damn thing! (Me & every other NYer who have seen the movie live.)
I have no problem with filming in NYC. In fact, there is nothing better than watching a great movie and recognizing your favorite NYC bar, café, bookstore. But, enough already SATC! It is safe to say, this film will not compare to the series and now we have to eliminate any element of surprise we may have been anticipating? Oh well, it is what it is…but why can’t they go back to Silvercup? I am sure the old set is around somewhere.
1 month ago:
Walking down 18th street toward Park Avenue South- Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) in full hair & makeup about to shoot a scene.
A Few Weeks ago:
Tons of location vehicles lining Lower Park for what seemed like days. No good sighting here, but tons of background extras and a few nobodies shooting scenes.
Last week:
Chris Noth in a pimped out Benz, filming the same scene over and over again on 40th btw 5th & 6th. He was chasing Carrie. So annoying to block off a midtown thru street for an entire week day to shoot a scene in which its only line is "CARRIE!!!!!!!”
Just saw Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte & Miranda filming a scene for the SATC movie in Bryant Park. They re-created the fashion week tents & made fake snow. The girls were all decked in fur and the scene was Samantha being accosted by a PETA protestor yelling "Murderer!" They looked good- SJP's hair was really dark. No one in NYC is going to have/want to see the movie- we have seen it all being filmed in the streets. It's toooooo much! Follow this link to see my quote on Gawker. http://gawker.com/news/the-most-important-movie-ever-filmed-in-new-york/-319627.php
I am proud to report, that I sent this sighting of mine into Gawker.com (my inspiration) and they kindly published me and added "True". Nice to know they agree. So kind indeed, I didn't even get thrown in with the rest of the stalkers. BEST of all is the amount of comments I have gotten on this (over 20) & the 800 page views in under 3 hrs. Come over here guys....Gawker's getting old anyway.
P.S. SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you happen to have been in a Third World country for the last month- Charlotte is Preggers...finally.
I have no problem with filming in NYC. In fact, there is nothing better than watching a great movie and recognizing your favorite NYC bar, café, bookstore. But, enough already SATC! It is safe to say, this film will not compare to the series and now we have to eliminate any element of surprise we may have been anticipating? Oh well, it is what it is…but why can’t they go back to Silvercup? I am sure the old set is around somewhere.
1 month ago:
Walking down 18th street toward Park Avenue South- Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) in full hair & makeup about to shoot a scene.
A Few Weeks ago:
Tons of location vehicles lining Lower Park for what seemed like days. No good sighting here, but tons of background extras and a few nobodies shooting scenes.
Last week:
Chris Noth in a pimped out Benz, filming the same scene over and over again on 40th btw 5th & 6th. He was chasing Carrie. So annoying to block off a midtown thru street for an entire week day to shoot a scene in which its only line is "CARRIE!!!!!!!”
Just saw Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte & Miranda filming a scene for the SATC movie in Bryant Park. They re-created the fashion week tents & made fake snow. The girls were all decked in fur and the scene was Samantha being accosted by a PETA protestor yelling "Murderer!" They looked good- SJP's hair was really dark. No one in NYC is going to have/want to see the movie- we have seen it all being filmed in the streets. It's toooooo much! Follow this link to see my quote on Gawker. http://gawker.com/news/the-most-important-movie-ever-filmed-in-new-york/-319627.php
I am proud to report, that I sent this sighting of mine into Gawker.com (my inspiration) and they kindly published me and added "True". Nice to know they agree. So kind indeed, I didn't even get thrown in with the rest of the stalkers. BEST of all is the amount of comments I have gotten on this (over 20) & the 800 page views in under 3 hrs. Come over here guys....Gawker's getting old anyway.
P.S. SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you happen to have been in a Third World country for the last month- Charlotte is Preggers...finally.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A NYC Guide to Sunday Fun

Want to have a perfectly fun Sunday in NYC? Then follow my guide...Please note, this can definitely be done alone, however, it is recommended that you double the pleasure with a pal.
Ingredients: good friends, trendy brunch spots, famous cupcakes, celebrity sightings, indie flicks, drinks in Tribeca and dinner at a bar/restaurant in Chelsea. Read on for details…
Get dressed and casually stroll to the infamous Cafeteria. Have a delicious brunch and indulge in all of the eye candy around you. Perfect conversation, re- live/re-enact your Friday/Saturday nights for each other. Then stroll in and out of a few stores, buy something you probably don't need and hit up Billy's Bakery. Lounge on the bench outside eating your yummy cupcakes and say your hellos to Chelsea local, Ethan Hawke.
Next, head down to the Angelika movie theater and pick something to see, there are always the latest independent films (my recent pick was Lars and the Real Girl-thumbs up!), so it is likely that you'll catch a good one. The walk from Chelsea through the West Village and over to SoHo is great. Perfect people watching and window shopping.
Walk on down to Tribeca. Enjoy the quietness of the quaint streets. Then settle in at the bar of the old, reliable Odeon. Try a Gosser beer, the bartender will back me on this. When the Odeon starts to feel a bit too cozy, head north on Hudson, and check out Red Cat for your next destination. Try to grab a seat at the bar and get drinks and food. It is quiet and cozy, perfectly lit and always delicious.
By this point, it is past dark, you are probably starting to feel a bit tired, it's around 9pm and the perfect time to get home early, get a good night's sleep and be refreshed for Monday morning. This relaxing day will get you through the stress of your week. Just make sure to repeat every Sunday for the full effect.
Wishing you plenty more Sunday Fun Days...
Wishing you plenty more Sunday Fun Days...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Welcome to Hollyhood!

Hello Everyone-
Welcome to my blog. Why Hollyhood Hills, you ask? Well, don't we all wish we (secretly or not) could at some point be part of the La-La Land lifestyle out there on the Left Coast? Well, we do- whether you are willing to admit it or not. So, this blog is designed to provide a free forum for our hopes, dreams and aspirations. Additonally, I would like to be able to bring all of my talented, creative friends together to share their latest ventures and to connect with each other.
Realistically speaking, I expect this forum will soon evolve into a celebrity sightings (they seem to be wherever my friends & I go), gossip, trends, news, reviews, beauty tips, war stories, who wore what, I made out with my boss last night, and an overall "We are there for you, Brit- Brit" community. After all, once we peel off all the talented and creative layers and step outside of our work lives- what
better way to unwind and aspire, than living vicariously through our Hollyhood Hills role models, the ones who inspire us most.
Before we get too down and too dirty- please use the blog to share your creations, businesses and ideas. One day, we will all end up in the Hills.
Enjoy and Blog on!
Welcome to my blog. Why Hollyhood Hills, you ask? Well, don't we all wish we (secretly or not) could at some point be part of the La-La Land lifestyle out there on the Left Coast? Well, we do- whether you are willing to admit it or not. So, this blog is designed to provide a free forum for our hopes, dreams and aspirations. Additonally, I would like to be able to bring all of my talented, creative friends together to share their latest ventures and to connect with each other.
Realistically speaking, I expect this forum will soon evolve into a celebrity sightings (they seem to be wherever my friends & I go), gossip, trends, news, reviews, beauty tips, war stories, who wore what, I made out with my boss last night, and an overall "We are there for you, Brit- Brit" community. After all, once we peel off all the talented and creative layers and step outside of our work lives- what

Before we get too down and too dirty- please use the blog to share your creations, businesses and ideas. One day, we will all end up in the Hills.
Enjoy and Blog on!
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